Do you have what it takes to be a model. You might be surprise to know that you dont have to be thin or tall to be a model. Real life models include everyday people who's only requirement is hard work. Modeling is not just about one person, it is an entire team of dedicated people who come together for one common goeal - I successful campaing. Campains may include Family Catalog Models for majoy brand stores. Also modeling is not limited on a person's statue and face features. We also look for models who have unique and extraudinary body features such as hands, hair, nails etc..

I am currently in the search for young and talented models.

No experience required. if you don't have experience don't worry, we will teach you the basics.

You can earn extra money and potentially make $1000 dollars an hour.

Each photo session will guarantee you at least several hours of work. however, you must be dedicated and willing to work hard. its not easy but if you really want to be a model you can do it. our clients include online clothing stores such as pants shoes dresses jackets shirts etc. also you may be wanted for accessories like bags earrings jewelry etc.

If you are interested please let me know. Unfortunately, we are only interested in models over the age of 18 due to the legal complications in hiring employees under 18. We need mature people who behave professional and act mature. if you value these qualities, please tell us a little bit about yourself and why you think you have what it takes to be a model. Thank you.

Runway or High Fashion modeling usually means models who work in fashion shows for world famous luxury designers. These models require to maintain a specific set of body measurements adopted to the fashion designer. for Male and Femaile models pay go up to $1,000,000. However, it is not easy work.

There are also Pring Models. These types of models are mostly seeing in catalogs, magazines, Internet Adverstisment or Television which are exposed everyday in Web, Print and TV advertising. Much of the demand in modeling falls under this category. Print models can be any type of body shape. If you think you are to tall or too short to be a model, think again. Print modeling is where most models make their money. however, it requires alot of work and dedication. You can make anywhere from $300 dollars a session to $100 dollars and hour, depending on the terms of the agreement.

Whatever type of modeling jobs you are searching for, be prepared to demostrate a positive approach. If you think you have what it takes to be a model, enjoy what you do and get paid for it, sign up today. Seasonal positions are always available, but space is limited.

Tue Apr 10, 2012
Name: Lyle
Date of birth: 12th September 1997
Location: London
Height : 5ft 5inch
Weight: 9.5 stone/ 133lbs
Shoe size: 7
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Mon Feb 25, 2013
lovely 15 year old girl wud love 2 see more of her
Wed Feb 22, 2012
Hi my names Leslie I'm 13 years old I weight 93 pounds (yeah I'm small) I'm 5'2 and I would love to model, if I had this chance I would be very grateful &work hard at it, & won't let you guys down.
Tue Mar 06, 2012
I'm very pretty and photogentic!(:
Mon Apr 16, 2012
Hi ,My Name Is Tashay And I am 13 and i will Make 14 May,6 I am looking forward inworking with yall hopefuly I do . Thanks !

Wed Jan 25, 2012
My name is Raychel . I'm currently a drop out of high school. My living situation is kinda rough so I decided to drop out and help with my family's money problems, but I have yet to find a job in this crappy economy. I'm 17 years old and this coming up September I'll be 18. I'm 5'1 and I weigh about 95 lbs.