52 Transfer aborted. Disk quota exceeded


I im getting an error on a website for my server with ispconfig 2 while uploading some important files to our website. We are using Filezilla FTP client and we received this message.

my user asked to raise the disk quotas, logged into the control panel and changed, it, however, he is still getting the error.

We changed it from 100MB to -1 unlimited but he still can't upload new files this is the error he is getting..

Warning: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg]: Unable to open '/var/www/web3/web/prodimages/ispconfig.jpg' for writing: Disk quota exceeded in /var/www/web3/web/vsadmin/doupload.php on line 112 

Scenario: when trying to upload through ftp we get this message.

We are stummped because we dont know what to do to overcome this message, If we cannot go find a solution, we will have no choice but to seek another avenue for resolution.

Thanks in advance for your assistance with this matter.