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- Tutorial With Pictures How To Create Android App For Mobile Phones
i am a newbie when it comes to android apps and just like you want to know how to create or make my own apps for my phone this is how i am going to start [1360], Last Updated: Sat May 18, 2024
Tue Jun 28, 2011
2651 Visits
this thing with phone apps has got me curios. how do you make applications to work on google's android platform? well, i am going to start by going to the android developers site at:
it looks like i need to install the SDK, what does SDK stand for:
Software Developer's Kitits a program to help you create apps. google makes it very easy for you so start there
i use it to create apps, this is how it looks like

if you want me to show you step by step on how to create your apps i can show you