American Dragon Cartoon Wallpapers Of Jake Long Pictures
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- American Dragon Cartoon Wallpapers Of Jake Long Pictures
This Page Contains information about American Dragon Cartoon Wallpapers Of Jake Long Pictures By chen in category Screensavers with 3 Replies. [8552], Last Updated: Sat May 18, 2024
Mon Oct 20, 2008
1336 Visits

american draong is my favorite because there is this boy name is jake long and his girl rose. and there is this black girl trixie and ofcourse the funny dong called fu dog and his granpa and haley and his friend bud. but i hate huntsman and hunts girl jake is about 13 years old he likes to play video games comic books skate boarding. but rose is the new girl at school that likes jake. or is it the other way around? hmm. trixy is jakes best friend. i can't believe fu is 600 years old. wow. fu is jake's guardian dog. and the dragon master is jakes' grapnd father. he is a chinese draong that moved to new york. haley is jakes sister. spud is jake's skating crew he likes to quote philosophy stuff. the huntsman is evil guy he is the leader of an ancient tribe the huntsclan who secretly hunt magical creatures. huntsgril doesnt looks so bad. i think huntsgirl can become a good girl instead of evil. i like her blue eyes i like watching the cartoon network because my favorite show is american dragon on disney channel. i have a cool wallpaper of american dragon on my desktop i want to share with you.