How To Cancel Amazon Prime Subscription.

If you have tried to cancel your Amazon Prime Subscription you probably already expirienced how difficult Amazon makes it to cancel. No worries, I will take you step by step where you need to click and will also show you pictures of where to find the cancel buttons.

1. Login into your Amazon Prime Account

2. Look at the top right of the screen, you will find "Account & Lists" and click on the down arrow
Stpe 1 To Cancel Amazon Prime

3. In the membership section, look at the last option where it says: End Membership and click on the button "End Membership"
Stpe 2 To Cancel Amazon Prime

4. Scroll down and you will find three buttons, click on the middle buttons that says "Cancel My Benefits"
Step 3 To Cancel Amazon Prime

5. Again, scroll down the page and find three yellow buttons, click on the middle button that says "Continue to Cancel"
Step 4 To Cancel Amazon Prime

6. Again, scroll down the page and find the button that starts with "End on ....." and click on it.
Step 5 To Cancel Amazon Prime

7. Done! You will get a confirmation message.
Step 6 To Cancel Amazon Prime

8. Lookout for an email and keep it for your records incase you see additional charges on your account

Canceling Amazon Prime is not easy

As you can tell, amazon does not make it easy to cance, but with these steps, hopefully you are able to cancel very conviently and easy. Sometimes we have these monthly subscriptions from amazon that we dont need and we forget and our credit cards keep gtting charged monthly for services we are not using. Hopefully I was able to help you with this short tutorial on how to cancel your amazon prime.

Why Cancel Your Amazon Prime Subscription?

I am not trying to encourage you to cancel by creating this tutorial on how to cancel your amazon prime account, but simply to give you some tools. Lets face it, if you got it this far, you are probably need help, That is my purpose is to help anyone who is having trouble canceling their amazon prime account.

Amazon Prime Monthly Charges

Please note that after you have cancedl your prime acount be sure to save your email confirmation the cancelation in case you run into cancelations charges later.

Another tip is you should keep an eye on your monthly amazon prime charges to make sure that the amazon prime subscriptions is not cycling through and getting charged more money to your credit card. Be watchful to things like that. After you have canceld your amazon prime subscriptin, be sure to check the date when you amazon prime subscription cancels.