here is a script i wrote to test how to edit files in your server with fopen funcion in php..

step 1: create a file called test.php and give it 777 permission (if linux) if windows, dont have to give permissions

step2. open notepad and copy and paste the following code and save it as fopen.php

$filename = 'test.php';

$somecontent = stripslashes($_POST['somecontent']);
// Let's make sure the file exists and is writable first.
if (is_writable($filename)) {

// In our example we're opening $filename in append mode.
// The file pointer is at the bottom of the file hence
// that's where $somecontent will go when we fwrite() it.
if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'w')) {
echo "Cannot open file ($filename)";

// Write $somecontent to our opened fi<form action="" method="get"></form>le.
if (fwrite($handle, $somecontent) === FALSE) {
echo "Cannot write to file ($filename)";

echo "Success, wrote ($somecontent) to file ($filename) <a href=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."> - Continue - ";


} else {
echo "The file $filename is not writable";
// get contents of a file into a string

$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
$somecontent = fread($handle, filesize($filename));
<h1>Edit file <? echo $filename ;?></h1>
<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
<textarea name="somecontent" cols="80" rows="10"><? echo $somecontent ;?></textarea>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">

<p align="center">script by <a href=""></a></p>
<p align="center">support and hosting by <a href=""></a> </p>

now upload to your server and open it with your browser, you'll be able to edit the file with your browser. this is cool.