if you do alot of php coding, i have to say this is the most frequent erorr i get whenever i am programming my php scripts. so how do you fix it? what is the problems here.

well, to know exactly what the problem is you really need to look at the code.

so what does this error mean? - well for me, i was getting error on my file on line 115 so when i looked at line 115 i had this:
if(!$page_name){$page_name = $page_name_default;)

do you see what my problem is? i have a ) instead of a } at the end of the line, i should actually look like this to be correct:

if(!$page_name){$page_name = $page_name_default;}

so basically this means you have an error on your script and you need to correct it. sometimes its just a simple solution like in my example, other times it could be a mispell. the main rule of thumb is to double check your code.

hope this helps