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- Health - What Causes Prostatitis? Prostate Inflammation Symptoms Cures Pain
This Page Contains information about Health - What Causes Prostatitis? Prostate Inflammation Symptoms Cures Pain By braker in category Interesting Topics with 30 Replies. [2136], Last Updated: Sat May 18, 2024
Sun Feb 25, 2007
14843 Visits

About two years ago when I was 33 years old, I started to get up in the middle of the night to go pee to the bathroom. It was unusual because I usually got up in the morning and went to pee. I remember my urine stream was pretty strong when i was younger, but all of the sudden it started to get weaker and whenever i would go to the toilet, i would have to wait like 10 to 30 seconds until the urine came out whereas before it was instant, i could pee right away. I didn't know back then, but i was causing this. I thought it was because of my age, but i hadn't been taking good care of myself.
You see, i used to go out with this chick, and very often we did it in the car. Many times afterwork, and after we had love we didn't wash ourselves, so hours would go by without washing my parts. Yes, i am even ashame to say that even days went by without washing. I thought I was young and it wouldn't matter. I WAS WRONG. My prostate condition went from bad to worst. I went to the doctor. The doctor you go for this is called a Urologists. If you are having men problems you go to a Urologists physician.
Anyway, i went to the the Urologists because I noticed I had some of these symptoms. The symptoms are similar for all types of prostatitis, with the exception of acute prostatitis and asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis. In the acute form of the disease, symptoms are severe, come on suddenly, and include fever and chills.
Signs of the chronic forms of prostatitis may be milder and come on gradually over weeks or months and may include:
I remeber going to the bathroom like every 15 minutes because i had urges to go pee, but as soon as i got to the bathroom i stood by urinal like 30 o 1 minutes while i wait till my urine came out.
So when i went to the doctor, he said i had Prostatitis, he said my prostate was enlarged and he gave me some medicane. two kinds of medicines he gave me, one was to stop the urge of going to the bathroom and the other one was an anti-biotic. I took my medicine and with some prayer, the pain went away. It was getting pretty bad for me, it burned everytime i pee and sometimes i would get discharge and it hurt.
I remember reading about this, and it was recommended to take saw palmetto, from what i know about saw palmetto its a bark and it suppose to help you with your prostate.
If you have these simptoms, i recommend you go to the doctors, it will only just get worst, it doesn't go by itself.
So how do you prevent Prostatitis? these are some preventions you can take, you may be able to prevent prostatitis with:
What are the types of prostatitis?
To describe the variation in causes of prostatitis, health professionals divide the condition into five types.
These are some home treatments
If you have prostatitis caused by a bacterial infection (acute or chronic bacterial prostatitis), contact a health professional about your symptoms, especially if you have a fever. Antibiotics and other medications will be prescribed as needed.
I am not a doctor, i am writing my expirience, if you have a question, you should always consult a doctor for advice.
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