How Can I Win A Girl's Heart? Ways For Guys To Make A Woman Fall For You
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- How Can I Win A Girl's Heart? Ways For Guys To Make A Woman Fall For You
This Page Contains information about How Can I Win A Girl's Heart? Ways For Guys To Make A Woman Fall For You By latin_lover in category Personals with 3 Replies. [8014], Last Updated: Sat May 18, 2024
Thu May 03, 2007
1714 Visits
if you want to conquer a womans heart, you're not alone. there are alot of guys like you and me trying to firgure out women. the secre to making girls fall for you is "attention". if you want to win a girl's hear, i would start being more romantic to her, this way you show her or give her some signs that you are interested in her. for example, when i want a girl, i start by making her special. she needs to feel cared for and important. you need to make her feel important to you. how can you do that. with simple gestures. one good start is to bring a flower to her one day without her expecting. she won't be able to deny your flower. chicks like details as simple as that. it shows you are a sensative guy and girls like that. so my suggestion start with a flower. don't be a fool and rush into it. you have to take it slowly, if you are patient, you will conquer her heart because you have to get in her heart before you can do anything. also, don't exaruate. for example, on my flower example, don't go giving her a dozen roses, that would be a big mistakes, because you are pushing it too hard. remember you have to be gentle and patient. so one simple rose or flower will do. but i would start with a flower and not a rose, later you can do a rose.