today i will teach you how you can break down a whole sentence into separate words.

lets say i have a string called $string and this is how i declared it:

$string = "breaking down sentence into each word array";

well, if i wanted to break it down, i would have to manually do it like this:

$string1 = "breaking";
$string2 = "down ";
$string3 = "sentence ";
$string4 = "into ";
$string5 = "each ";
$string6 = "word ";
$string7 = "array";

oh, boy, there's gotta be an easier way to do this. i have good news for you, yes you can with a PHP function called explode();

here's and example script:
$string = "breaking down sentence into each word array";
$words= explode(" ", $string );
echo $words[0]; // breaking
echo $words[1]; // down

this would be the output:
breaking down

Split a string by string
Returns an array of strings, each of which is a substring of string formed by splitting it on boundaries formed by the string delimiter.


if you need more information, check out the the documentation at: