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- How To Clean Finger Prints From Your Lcd Screen Plasma Tv
This Page Contains information about How To Clean Finger Prints From Your Lcd Screen Plasma Tv By wallpaperama in category Tutorial And Guides with 7 Replies. [1480], Last Updated: Sat May 18, 2024
Sat Nov 29, 2008
4964 Visits
this year i treated myself to a great birthday gift, i got a brand new samsung 46'' inch LCD-HDTV television. about two week after i got the tv, my wife has a visit from her friend. her friend which has a 1 1/2 year little boy. so i come home from work one night and i noticed all these f*cken finger prints on the television. what the hell! - i was very angry.
i also have a flat screen LCD monitor for my computer and i remembered i bought some screen cleaning kit. so i tried it. after like 30 minutes of trying to get rid of the greasy finger marks on the screen, i started to get fraustrated because the would not come out.
so today, while i was at walmart, i found the answer to my problem. i found this cleaning kit (plasme & LCD screen claner) from phillips. its says it cleans plasma and LCD screens. there is a bottle with screen cleaning gel and a microfiber cloth. so i i buy it.

it only costs $9.75 it includes 6.75fl.oz streak-free screen cleaning gel and non-abrasive, lint-free reusable microfiber cloth.
so i take it home, i read the instructions which says:
Instructions for use:
1. Turn off TV or screen before cleaning.
2. Shake bottle and spary screen 1 to 2 times.
3. Wipe screen from one side to another until it is dry.
so i followed the instructions and wahla! it works. all the greasy and finger prints marks that the little kid left on the screen panel slowly disappeared as i am cleaning the tv screen. its looks just like new now.
there is a caution on the product, it says: Caution: Contains less than 1% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. Keep waya from children. Avoid contact with eyes. in case of eye contact, flush thoroughly with water, wash hands after use.. oh shoot, i am typing all this and i didnt wash mine. ill be back.. ok back again now. so, continuing with the warning.... To prevent damage to your screen ensure that this screen cleaner is compatible with your TV or screen before using.
hope this helps