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- How To Describe Yourself To A New Girl - Tell A Girl About Yourself
This page will provide some really good examples on how you can describe yourself in a positive way to a girl to make it believable and in the process impress her with your self description. these are the things you can say to a girl to describe yourself. [2321], Last Updated: Sat May 18, 2024
latin lover
Thu Dec 04, 2008
281327 Visits
Describing Yourself To A Girl
Describing yourself to a girl is all about attitude. First impressions count! You always want to show your best. Here are some tips:
- Be Confident
- Be Respectful
- Humble Yourself
- Be Honest
- Show your Strengths
- Don't Be Afraid To Show Your Weakness
Do you want help and tips on how to describe a girl? If so, I wrote this article to help guys in situations where its hard to describe yourself to a girl that you really like. First impressions are essential when you know you like the other person. If you want to impressively describe yourself to a girl, follow my instructions as I lay them out to you. It is very important that you follow them. Failure to follow them step by step, will not get your positive results.
First Impressions Count!
When you need to describe to a girl, the first tip to remember is not to make you sound like you are bragging. Girls call this being 'C0cky' - If you start to sound like you are bragging to much, she will lose interest in you.
Show Your Strengths!
It is important to a girl to know your strengths. Girls want a guy who is strong. By strong I dont mean physically strong. But rather strong in character. These are some strengths girls look for in man.
Tips For Describing Yourself To A Girl
These are important tips you will need when you are describing to a girl. Follow these tips as they will help you in describing yourself in a positive manner to impress the girl you want. This is my secret when I am in a position to describe myself to a lady. These rules will help you get started. Only you know yourself better than anyone. By using these rules, you will conquer the heart of the girl you like. I strongly believe that with hard work and dedication, you can have any girl you want. It doesn't matter if she is the prettiest girl in the world and you are the ugliest guy in the world, if you apply these rules, you can win her over. Lets get started.
There is a reason why I have trust as the number one on this list. Showing girls respect is the key to their trust.
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You are only worth as your trust. Show her she can trust you. Just beware that trust doesn't come cheap. You cannot ask a girl to give you trust. Its not that easy. You must earn it. If you really care for her, You will achieve it.
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Show a girl you are smart is essential if not the reason why a woman will chose you instead of another guy.
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Humbleness is key to showing a woman you are strong. Being humble doesn't have to mean you are weak. Confidence is the key here. This shows the girl you like that you are a positive and confident man. When describing yourself to a girl, never use the word 'boy' to describe yourself, use instead the word man. Well, of course if you are 12 years old or younger then don't describe yourself as a man, if you are younger than 12, instead of using man, use the word 'guy' BUT NEVER THE WORD 'BOY' - Using the word boy, shows her you are immature.
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Don't be afraid to open your feelings. Many guys are really bad at this. They think by opening themselves they will look weak. Listen, I am a guy too, and I don't like exposing my weaknesses to anyone. But when it comes to women, they love it.
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Family Oriented
If you come from a big family, you have nothing to worry about. Girls love to see their guy with family. It shows responsibility and human kindness. It might also be embedded in their self being seeing a guy with their family because it shows as strength for any future as a mother herself. This is an inherited pr imitative trait in women. However, if you come from a small family, another way to impress a girl is by showing her you have friends. This shows women you are a social and confident person.
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And finally Maturity. Show her you are a mature person. They say women mature faster than men. This is true. I has been proven to be a fact. Women mature faster as they have greater responsibility within the family structure.
I hope you were able to learn my secrets. You might be thinking, those are great tips, but how do you apply those tips to describe yourself to a girl you like? As I said before, only you know yourself, and no one knows yourself better than you. For example, I am going to apply those tips I just gave to a conversation I had with a girl I like.
Example Conversation
Ok, on this slide, I am going to apply all the tips I gave you on the previous slide. Lets say the girl I am talking to, her name is Maria. I like maria. She is very sweet and attractive. What attracts me the most about her is her personality. She if very friendly and always has a positive outlook in life. She is always smiling to everyone. She is a confident girl, so she is going to be tough to convince her that I am the right guy for her. So here we check. Click on the start button to start an example conversation with Maria.
Me - whats your name?
Maria - Maria
* Here, the conversation starts very simple. Keep it simple.
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Me - Nice to meet you Maria. My name is Alex. How are you doing today?
Maria - I am doing good. hbu?
Now that I know her name, I need to keep the conversation going. Ask her how is she doing. Most of the time, a girl will always nice good, fine, nothing exciting. This is an opportunity for you to show you are a positive person. If you are texting her. SPELLING AND PUNCTUATION IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! So make sure you spell check everything and you use good punctuation like commas, periods and question marks. Notice the 'hbu' - gbu stands for 'How About You' if you are an older guy, and you are trying to impress a young woman, abbreviation is the way young people talk to each other. So you better know your abbreviation. Some examples are: idk, idc, lmao, and of course, LOL!! If you have any others that you think might be important, please leave them in the comments section below. I recommend you don't use abbreviations. Use concise full sentences, you will look immature. If she wants to use abbreviations, let her do it.
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Me - I am doing great, thanks.
Maria - So Tell me about you.
Notice I used the word 'great'. Whatever you do, you always use a positive word to describe how you are doing. Even if you are having a crappy day, always have a positive attitude. Use words like:
- great
- fantastic!
- I am awesome
don't use these words:
- good
- OK
- fine
- alright
IMPORTANT - Never use slang or ghetto words, even if she uses such terms.
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Me - For the most part I am a quiet guy. I don't open up right away, I do tend to give my trust to people when I first meet them, but I take my trust away once they betray me. I like giving people the benefit of doubt - we are all good people. There are some people who will not trust you right away, instead, they you will have to earn their trust first before they can trust you. I am ambitious, I like succeeding in my goals, I don't give up so easy. sometimes my persistence does become annoying. My motivation is my mother. She is a strong woman. She raised me up as a single mother. I lover her a lot. I work full time and go to school part time. I love exploring new places, specifically, places I have never been to. My favorite food is Italian food and I know how to cook a really good lasagna.
Maria - That's very interesting. What do you look for in a girl?
This is the moment we've been waiting for and the reason why you have invested so much time in reading my article about how to describe yourself to a girl. So pay attentions to what she says.
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Me - I like a smart girl, someone who will always have something up her sleeves, to teach me something I don't know. I am very easily impressed. I don't get mad very easy, I have lots of patience, but I do get get tired eventually. Just like any other guy, I like women, I like talking about romance, but not just with anyone. once I do feel comfortable with someone, I do talk openly , and sometimes if the girl is not mature enough, she will get annoyed. You can tell when a girl is mature. I do cry sometimes when I watch sensitive movies. but I am not a wimp. I am just sentimental when it comes to suffering from other people or animals. I love animals and I do my best to be a good person. I do give homeless change money when they ask for, I don't think its up to me to judge whether they need it for booze or food, if I have change in my pocket, I will give. some people judge my kindness for stupidity and often they will try to get advantage, but as long I do good, in the long run, goodness will balance itself out.. One thing I've come to accept in life that no matter who it is, a person will always disappoint you at one time or another. the important thing to do is to find a way to work it out. We are not perfect, we make mistakes and as long we learn from our mistakes, we can work it out... hahaha, I never put much thought into this... but there's more about me, since you showed you are interested in knowing me more.. How about you. Tell me about yourself, and don't write like one sentence. Search within your heart and tell me what kind of person you are. don't be modest, I never judge, I only listen...
Maria - I like animals tool. I have a pet hamster. His name is Pete.
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As you can see from the previous conversation, you can tell I got her attention with all the things I told her about myself. That is the goal. Keep her interested in you. If she is interested, its your opportunity to know you. There are times when you and the girl you are not compatible. You have to accept it. The worst thing you can do, is become obsess and keep bothering her. However, don't give up too easy either. The rule of thumb for me, I make three attempts, if she pushes me or rejects me more than three times, than I let it go and move on. Don't be afraid of rejections. Its OK to be rejected. Apply this as part of your strengths.
I hope you learned from my example conversation. The worst thing you can do is copy and paste my explanation. I wrote this article a while ago, and I have seen my example conversation show up on many profiles. For example, if you google any part of the conversation from the previous slide, you will see many profiles from POF show up. Be original and unique, if you really like this girl, put some effort into it. it will reward you at the end.
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Here are some other ways you can describe yourself. These are unique descriptions exclusive to this page. Try googling the following phrases, you will not find them anywhere else but here.
- I am a fun, easy going, hard working, down to earth guy who enjoys life to the max!. I am a passionate and diverse guy. I really enjoy a mature conversation, celebrating with friends or family. I am also enjoy having a good laugh every so often. Are you interested in a joke?
- I look forward to romantic encounters. For example, taking long walks on the beach during the sunset. I know it sounds cliché but I am being honest. You can't beat cuddling and having a romantic candle lit dinners. I love to be around happy people, as I can be a sensitive guy once in a while. I'm currently looking for a gal who enjoys a good laugh and is not shy about making me smile. I am a family man. Family is extremely a must to me. my job brought me here, so I'm new to this App. I'm looking to meet new women around the area. I'm enthusiastically confident about my future, and find a special gal to share our life's adventures!
Describe Yourself To A Girl Quiz
Now that you have the tools to describe yourself to a girl, its time to practice what you've learned. After you have completed the quiz, there is a final IMPORTANT tip you must do when you first engage a conversation with a girl. Good luck.