the secret of getting a guy to be yours is not such a secret really.

its no secret what boys want. yes,, THAT!!!

they want a piece of you. hahahhah

the secret is not to give it all.

im gonna tell you how you can get a guy. when a guy likes you, you will know. he will give you lots of attention.. well, atleast more than he usually does.

once you know he likes you, he will flirt with you. so if you really like him, this is what you do. you give him, little bits. what do i mean by that..

- his hands
- his hair
- his lips

make him feel special. say for example, you look good today. (yes, guys like that too)

but dont give this kind of sugar on an everyday basis.

the worst you can do is play hard, and tell him, "i dont like you" when infact you do..

but there are some guys who like that rejection crap. i knew a guy once that when i rejected him, he wanted me more..

let me tell you the truth about guys like that.. sure, he's gonna want you. but he's only gonna want you so he can get his way. once he has you, he's gonna dump you. so if you want a guy for short term only, go ahead, and reject him, he's gonna want you soo bad, then after he has you, he wont want you anymore..

but if you found a sweet guy, one that's a keeper, dont reject him or play hard to get.. be sweet to him also. give him sugar and you will see your relationship grow.