if you want to know how you can make your letters bold in your profile i will teach you.. its easy

lets say i have this title: wallpaperama is cool, find lots of free wallpapers

ok, now i want to make the word free into bold, this is the html code i would us

wallpaperama is cool, find lots of <b>free</b> wallpapers

this is how it would look: find lots of free wallpapers

see, just use the <b> where you want to start the bold part and then put the </b> where you want it to end. so on my example, lets say i want to make "lots of free" bold only, i would use this code

wallpaperama is cool, find <b>lots of free</b> wallpapers

now this is how it would look: wallpaperama is cool, find lots of free wallpapers

hope this helps