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- How To Move Ispconfig From Old Server To New Server
This Page Contains information about How To Move Ispconfig From Old Server To New Server By wallpaperama in category Scripts with 5 Replies. [1341], Last Updated: Sat May 18, 2024
Mon Oct 13, 2008
5705 Visits
folllowed your steps on how to transfer all the files from one server to another, i was searching for how to change ispconfig servers from one to another. i was moving ispconfig from my old server. you see, i have to change servers cuz i had to move from isp. but i need to know which files to transfer. i only need to transfer the websites and mysql database only. so this is how i move all my files from one server to another including mysql all databases:
1. compress all the files. im going to call my tar file www-2008-oct-13.tar.gz
change directory to the var/ directory
cd /var
create a tar compressed file
tar -pczf www-2008-oct-13.tar.gz www/
2. second step would be to make a backup of all the mysql databases:
mysqldump --opt -u root -p XXPASSWORDXX --all-databases | gzip > mysql_backup.sql.gz
NOTE: change XXPASSWORDXX to whatever your root password is
now transfer both of these flies to your new server
change directory to the var/ directory
cd /var
change the name of the original www/ directory
mv www-original.tar.gz www/
upack the tar file will all the websites in the www directory
tar xvfz www-original.tar.gz www/
you will see all the webX files start to untar(umcompress) into the www/ directory
Now install all the new databases on the new server from the old server
mysql -h localhost -u root -pXXPASSWORDXX --all-databases < mysql_backup.sql.gz
XXPASSWORDXX = to whatever is your root password on the new server
daniel- search section
type ispconfig
you will find many good articles