How To Remove Skin Tags On My Neck By Myself At Home
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- How To Remove Skin Tags On My Neck By Myself At Home
This Page Contains information about How To Remove Skin Tags On My Neck By Myself At Home By health in category Personals with 1 Replies. [8300], Last Updated: Sat May 18, 2024
Sat Oct 18, 2008
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lately i've noticed that i have this thing on my skin. on my neck area there is a little tit like that hangs. i dont know what its called. i was so nervous cuz i thot it was going to be something serious. but it turns out they are called skin tags. i guess the name comes from like when you have a pet cat or dog, they have their dog tags hanging on their neck area.
the scientific name is pedunculated seborrheic keratosis. i heard from my mother that you can remove these yourself at home. there are some home remedies which you can use to get rid of them. they look like little extra skins on your skin. its really weird. usually i see these little pieces like skins on old people.
what causes them. it is cause by rubbinng your skin against skin, or rubing your clothes with your sking. its nothing serious. it just that when it grows, it can be embarrasing if people see it.
well, how do you remove it? there are some ways you can remove it
1. cut it off - you can use a sharp scissor that has been sanitized you can useuse an open flame, rubbing alcohol, or hydrogen peroxide to sanitize it so you wont get an infection.
2. you can use a thread of string you cut off the blood supply. you simply tight the string at the base of the skin tag. by doing this, you are cutting off the blood supply to the skin tag, after a couple of days, it will fall off. the only bad part about this is that you have to be wearing this string on your body, so if you dont mind or if you have the skin tag on a private part of your body where you wear clothes on top of it, this is a better way to do it because it wont hurt.
3. you can visit a doctor, they will cut if off.
if you cut the skin tag yourself, it will bleed a little for a minute or two. but if you are concern about anything, you should just go visit a doctor. now im not a doctor and its best to visit your doctor about eskin tags because you never know if you have any complications. i mean, you are basically cutting your skin, and if you are careless, you can get an inffection or something. so im only posting this topic here for information about sking tags.
anyways, hope this helps, i will try to remove it myself. removing skin tags yourself is a common thin people do in their private time when they want to get rid of skin tags.