This Page Contains information about How To Tell If A Boy Likes You Answers For Teen Girls High School Student By chezvous in category Interesting Topics with 72 Replies. [2135], Last Updated: Sat May 18, 2024
Fri Feb 16, 2007
87458 Visits
So you want to know if a guy like you right?
OK, click on the spinning wheel to try your luck to see if he likes your or not.
ok, so the question on your mind is probably. how to tell if a boy likes you? well how can you tell if a guys likes you or not. usually when a guy likes you he tells you. depending on type of guy he is. if he is a shy one, you will know he likes you because he gets nervouse when you talk to him. if he is a confident (sure of himself) boy, he will tell you he likes you.
I really like this boy in my class (year 7) and I dont know If he likes me... We are best friends and do everything together but I dont want to ruin our friendship If I ask him out... But he is the only one I think about most of the time... Hes always glancing at me in class but I think he just likes me as a friend... weve been best friends for 6 months and he hasnt made a move... I guess ill just have to move on :(
i want 2 make ELISHA like me for a girl friend anytime when i next 2 him i am nerves so i hope he like me for a girlfriend well...
Tue May 08, 2012
I really like this guy and randomly one day I was playing basketball with my friend and he came over all the sudden and we kept smiling at each other and talked a little also I could of sworn he winked at me :)what do you think ? Does he like me yes or no ?
Fri Dec 07, 2012
Girl he likes you ^_^ i can see it
Wed May 23, 2012
i really like this boy, we sit next to eachother in english and he nearly always make our knees touch under the table or he "accidently" rubs his hand over my leg? He also sings a lot in my ear songs from the radio, or he makes a rap up about me. the other day he put his hand down his trouser and faked an erection wiv his hands nd called my name then said your doing this to me? so i just wanna know if this guy likes me or nor?
There this boy in my class and i don't know if he likes me.We always play fight with eachother and he usallys stares at me and we always talk plz help me!!!