How To Make Every Letter In A PHP String Lowercase
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- How To Make Every Letter In A PHP String Lowercase
this page will show you how you can make all the letters in a string into lowercase with a handy PHP function that is available already on your website. this is a very basic information with sample script code [1042], Last Updated: Sat May 18, 2024
Wed Jun 20, 2007
4927 Visits
today i received a question from a user, the questions was:
can you show me how i can make all the letters in a sentence or words into small letter, by small letters i mean into lower case instead of capitalized or uppercase.
answer: to make all the content in s string to small case, simply use the strtolower() functiong:
$foo= "This IS UPPER and lower is LOWER";
echo strtolower($foo);
the output will be like this:
this is upper and lower is lower