Are you seeing a transaction of $888,888.88 in your Bank Of America Account?
This is just a temporary authorization amount to hold the funds while Bank of America completes the transfer of funds. The $888,888.88 will be removed in a day or two.
This is my expirience with this awful bank. Today, my mother asked me to send her some money. Instead of sending money over Western Union and paying $30 bucks, I can transfer money between our Bank of America accounts and avoid paying the $30 dollar fee from western union.
I go to my Bank of America Online Account. I create a transfer profile for my mother and complete the transfer of $200 from my checking account to her savings account.
I received the succcessful transfer message. All is well and I am happy the process was so easy, or is it?
Later in the day, I login to my mother's account using my authorized crendentials. To my surprised, there is a deduction of $888,888.88
All I am thinking at this point there must be an error. There is no way my mother has almost a million dollars to pay.
called their customer service number:
Checking/Savings & CDs
1.800.432.1000 (all states except CA)
1.800.622.8731 (CA)
Monday - Friday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
I live in california, i called 1.800.622.8731 - Guess what? I get a freaken machine that says 'all circuits are busy now, try your call again' what????
I tried couple more times, finally i get their automated service. I go through all the prompts, which none apply to me. so i hit '0'.
A nice gal comes on the line, so i explained her my situations. she tells me i have to call some other number: 866-278-3632
I thanked her and I start to call 866-278-3632, HAHAHAHAH!!!!
Guess what? I get a recording that says they are open 7am-6pm - since its 845pm right now, im out of luck.... oh boy!!!
how about if this was an emergency?
Lucky for me, its not, I can wait til tomorrow to deal with this. but I can assure you, i will go through hell with his.
Meanwhile I google this and boom!! a bunch of complaints appear, apparently im not the only one having this issue. it seems that whenever you see a withdrawal of $888,888.88 on you account, bank of america freezes your account. it seems that the transfer of money from one account to another triggered the alert in their system.. by the way, im just speculating here, since i will have to deal with this tomorrow, but i can already imagine i will go through 100 questions. which makes me wonder why have that service available if the first place if they are going to make their customer go through all this. they should just remove the transfer feature.
I must also say, i have another bank account with a local credit union. once i had to pay back some money a good friend of mine lend me. she also had the same credit union and the transfer of money was a breeze. we had no problems, it it wasn't a mere 300 bucks, it was a couple Ks.
Well, anyway, ill update tomorrow to see how it goes..
I checked the next day and its gone.