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- Open Unpack Unzip Uncompres .gzip .gz .gunzip Files In Linux Shell Command
This Page Contains information about Open Unpack Unzip Uncompres .gzip .gz .gunzip Files In Linux Shell Command By pinguin in category Linux Hosting with 3 Replies. [409], Last Updated: Sat May 18, 2024
Sat Jan 13, 2007
14306 Visits
if you are like me, and wanted to know how to uncompress or open .gzip files in linux i will show you how. i've been using linux and sometimes i've come across some downloads that are compress as gzip .gz .gunzip but how do you open them? well today i will show you the command you can use on the linux shell to excecute and unpack or uncompress the .gzip files. i think this is the same a .zip files you can open with winzip., anyway, this is the command to open it:
gunzip filename.txt.gz
**** where filename.txt.gz is the name of the file you wish to uncompress
some information you can learn about the gzip technology: gzip and gunzip are GNU file compression and decompression utilities. Usually, files that have been compressed by gzip will have a .gz extension. However, sometimes you may see a file that has a .tgz extension. This is a TAR file that has been compressed by gzip. The .tgz extension is a shorthand version for the .tar.gz extension. This type of file must be uncompressed with gunzip before it can be untarred. However, there is a way to use the tar command to uncompress the file and untar it at the same time. For more information, see the tar: Tape Archive Files guide.
if you wan to know how to compress a gzip file To compress a file using gzip, execute the following command:
gzip filename.txt
****** where filename.txt is the name of the file you wish to compress
The result of this operation is a file called filename.txt.gz. By default, gzip will delete the filename.txt file.
last name was ialamlan_vb7.1203062909.sql.gz
i try some commands then i see its name as you see ialamlan_vb7.1203062909.tar