when i first started writing scripts for php, sometimes i noticed that when i submitted a form, the fields would have blackslashes and the more i submit the form the more i get, it keeps incrementing more and more. for example

if i have a form with a field called username and i enter: wallpaperama's it would come out as wallpaperama's and if i submitted again wallpaperama'\s and again wallpaperama'\\s

so whats causing this. well, im going to tell you. because i just found out after years of wondering.

they way i found out is by running a phpinfo.php and in the php configurations, there is a setting thats called magic_quotes_gpc in my case they were on, so what i needed to do was to turn them off, you can turn it off by editing your PHP.INI file

if you want to get more information visit:


hope this helps