I Pictures Of Pigeons With Bad Feet I Live In A Big City
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- I Pictures Of Pigeons With Bad Feet I Live In A Big City
This Page Contains information about I Pictures Of Pigeons With Bad Feet I Live In A Big City By careber78 in category Blogs with 8 Replies. [1769], Last Updated: Sat May 18, 2024
Sun Mar 30, 2008
2447 Visits
i live in california and on all the cities i go to there are always pigeons with bad feet.
i see their feet and they are all messed up. they look like they are beeing chopped or like some kind of disease has deformed them. some are missing all of their leg, while most of them are missing fingers.
and i wonder whats causing this..
you know those buildings that have spikes that look like needles? well. when a bird lands on one of them, they bleed and the birds fly away bleeding, while their blood is spray down below, which is where people are and thats how people are getting sick from these birds.
those people who are trying to make the birds stay away from the buildings are only causing more trouble by making all these birds pass their diseases to humans when they bleed.
not to mention the cruelty and the pain that these poor birds must go through.
sometimes i see some pigeons limp and it makes me very sad when i see this.
has anyone else noticed this. is this only happening in california?
do you have pictures, or can you take pictures and post them here.