in addition to the nuilt-in variables, the shell is programmed to interpret special variables names. just follow these steps and it will show you how you can start making simple shell script on this short tutorial to show you how you can program in linux shell

step 1. create a file called my_script
nano my_script

step 2. add the following lines and save the file
echo hello $USER
echo 'The contents of variable $1 is ' $1
echo 'The contents of variable $2 is ' $2
echo 'The contents of variable $3 is ' $3
echo 'The contents of variable $0 is ' $0
echo 'The contents of variable $* is ' $*
echo 'The contents of variable $# is ' $#
echo 'The contents of variable $$ is ' $$

* to save the file just hit CNTL + X and say yes at the prompt to save the file

step 3. make the file executable
chmod 755 my_script

step 4. run the script and declare the variables
./my_script Wallpaperama Wallpapers Learn Linux Tutorial Hosting

step 5. the output should look similar to something like this
hello my_user_name
The contents of variable $1 is Wallpaperama
The contents of variable $2 is Wallpapers
The contents of variable $3 is Learn
The contents of variable $0 is ./my_script
The contents of variable $* is Wallpaperama Wallpapers Learn Linux Tutorial Hosting
The contents of variable $# is 6
The contents of variable $$ is 2071