This Page Contains information about Stop Japan Killing Whales Japanese Killings Whale By in category Blogs with 14 Replies. [1966], Last Updated: Sat May 18, 2024
Fri Aug 14, 2009
610 Visits
so today i was watching the discovery channel on HD called whale wars, and there were these japanese sailors killing a bunch of innocent whales. i was horrified when i saw the japanese man use his harpoon and try to kill the poor whale for like 30 minutes. can you imagine the torchure the poor whale must have endured and the pain it must have felt with all the pain from that harpoon stuck in its body. it was horrifying images, but there were images i had to see to motivate me to write this post here to share the anger i felt when i saw the japan boats kill the whale. i wanted to throw a missle at the ship. but i know that with violence you can't solve anything.
the best way to hurt someone is with money. so how can americans hurt these japanese fisherman. well, simple. its by the color green. so now i have made a commitment to stop buying japenese products from japan.
i want to ask you to do the same. and perhaps the japanese country will start to listen to people like us to stop killing all these whales, even its for research. which they say it is for. but its abvious that they kill all these whales for profits.
so today my friend. please help the thousands of people trying to stop people like the country of japan from killing all these whales by not buying japanese made products, specially electronics.. you can tell they were made by japanese because it will say - "made in japan"
these are some brands of japan:
sony toyota honda nissan kawasaky
those are at the top of my head, if i you know more. let me know.
another way you can help, is by not buying products from this killings.
),= me siento muy triste al ver que aun sigue japon con esto ... weno esque hay personas que no se dan cuenta que es muy importante cada ser sobre la tierra y que alterar algo en la naturaleza , provocaria una roptura en la cadena alimenticia ),= ... ademas que solo les importa ganar mas dinero , sin importar que de por medio este destruir el medio ambiente ),= me siento muy mal ),= espero que esto no siga ...
Tue Aug 31, 2010
i hate those bloody fags and they should fell the pain that the whales fell you jap basturd yuz need a good hiding
Wed Aug 18, 2010
As much as I hate killing of any animal species, I do eat meat and try to keep that in mind when I make accusations against others.
In the case of whale killing by the Japanese, it seems sad, unesssary, and unacceptable. I say this, as Japan is one of the better world economies. As a leading economy, they must make choices to set example. They don't require whale meat to survive, so they should discontinue this dispicable act altogether.
Yes, I do eat farmed meat, however killing whales is wrong in a few ways.
1. They are a species which numbers are not monitored by the Japanese whaling fleets. 2. These are some of the smartest animals that have inhabit our planet. Why would you want to kill them? 3. They are the largest animals on our planet. Very majestic. 4. They play a top role in the food chain. We are uncertain of the impact of there numbers decreasing, however it will have an impact according research. 5. Harpooning and bleeding out a huge animal is barbaric and prehistoric. If you want to be a leading nation, act like one, not one leaving in the old world when humanity was less in tune with our planets life.
Ofcourse, these are only my opinions, but I know I'm not alone.
Fri Dec 04, 2009
it is all so, so beautiful. it saddens me very much to see people blinded by society. confused about what they think they need and what they do need. . . . don't abuse animals and nature. because, if you think about it, when you loose it all, that tree in your backyard will always be there for support and the sun will shine on you! :) don't agree with hurting whales or any other animals, please. it's injustice. it's wrong. it's not fair to take the life of some one else just to satisfy you! and to be honest, you are farther uneducated then the person who wrote the topic. at least they're not ignorant. take pride in simple things. you'll live more happy and sincere. much love, emily.
except, you don't see monkeys experimenting on humans for "science". you don't see dogs and cats mutilating us for "fun". you don't see any whales harpooning us for "products". and you sure as hell don't see any other animal besides humans, claiming they're better than another fellow species because they have "money" and "fancy cars", because, quite frankly, that honestly doesn't matter, and will never matter for survivial. maybe you'll aruge that humans are higher on the latter than other species, or how we're "more intelligent." but if that's so, why are other species doing just fine with the lack of everything "importiant" you have? could you even survive if you lived away from your money, cars, house? or would you experiance a life that can never be experiance by someone as brain-washed as you are? would you really need any of that? go out and enjoy life without the money and cars! enjoy what's already out there for you! the flowers. . . the stars. . . the ocean!
weno esque hay personas que no se dan cuenta que es muy importante cada ser sobre la tierra y que alterar algo en la naturaleza , provocaria una roptura en la cadena alimenticia ),= ...
ademas que solo les importa ganar mas dinero , sin importar que de por medio este destruir el medio ambiente ),=
me siento muy mal ),= espero que esto no siga ...