What To Do When Someone Breaks Your Heart - Love Tips
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Tips On What To Do When Someone Breaks Your Heart Broken Hart Broken Love [8018], Last Updated: Sat May 18, 2024
Thu May 03, 2007
1227 Visits

when someone breaks your heart is a difficult time to go through. you loose your faith on everyone. the fire inside your heart tears your heart apart, it feel like everything is gone. and the more you listen to the music the more it hurts. while you listen to the music your heart tries to get a sense of control of your feeling but the fire inside you burns deep. you feel like your mind is in the dark and your heart is hanging. well what can you do with all this pain, how do you get rid of it.
i've had my share of broken hearts myself. my heart has been broken many times. and what've learned is that the only thing that cures this type of pain, is time. if you follow my advice, you will feel better in a month. so what is this big secre it know of.. its called music. STOP listening to your favorite song, actually, stop listenting to music at all. when you drive in your car, or when you are alone, no matter what you do, is don't listen to the radio at all, this will just cause more pain because your heart is urging your mind to think about him or her because that's all the only way to feel better. so it like food to your heart that your mind feeds. thinkg of it like off in your mouth and stomach. the stomach is your heart and the mouth is your mind. when you want to eat, your stomach tells your mouth to put some food in it, well, while that's normal, if you want to loose weight you have to control you mouth righ. well the same with your heart, it wants to easy the hunger it feels for the person you lost and by listening to music it only makes you think about that person you just made you hurt. you will see that i am right if you do what i tell you. don't listen to music for a whole month - that's the secret, you won't know if it work unless you try it. simple as that.