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- Valpak Is The Biggest Junk Mail By Cox Target Media
This Page Contains information about Valpak Is The Biggest Junk Mail By Cox Target Media By sand3woods in category Blogs with 0 Replies. [1938], Last Updated: Sat May 18, 2024
Mon Mar 23, 2009
465 Visits
im so tired of these companies sending junk mail to my po box. they are wasting so much resources like paper to distribute this stupid thing called valpak. i get one about every month on my po box and its costing me space in that box. i go to my box once a month and i want to stop them sending me crap like this that no one reads. when i go to the post office, if you look at the trash can, all that valpak is there, no one even opens them because they recognize that this crap is just junk and no one reads them. i dont trust any of the advertisers in there because i dont even trust this mail junker called valpak.

so i start to look how i can stop them from sending me this crap, i look in the envelop and they print this message in really small letters that say: if you wish to modify receipt of future mail offers from us, call us at 1 800 678 6878. but when i called, this guy answers the phone and its so rude, its like they get upset because i want to be remove so i dont have to deal with this so i hang up.
then i visit their stupid site valpak.com they have a link under contact us > mailing list and it says :
How to take your address off the mailing list
Valpak is committed to ensuring consumers have a positive experience when the familiar blue envelope filled with savings arrives in their mailboxes. However, we recognize some consumers may wish to limit their incoming mail, so we provide a simple process to opt-out of receiving future Valpak mailings.
Before completing the online form, please take a moment to look over this short fact sheet that addresses several questions about the impact of the direct mail industry. Please click here if you would like to discontinue mailings to your household.
so i go on the link and it takes me to : http://www.coxtarget.com/mailsuppression/s/DisplayMailSuppressionForm
i said, what the hell.. just the name says it, cox target.. these guys are known for spamming and sending unsolicitated mail, they are the worst. no wonder, it makes sense now. so in the form they want you to provide this information:
items marked with * must be completed.
Address: *
Apt/Suite: (Required if your address has an Apt#)
City: *
State: *
Zip: *
E-mail: *
(Your e-mail address will only be used to confirm your request. You are not registering to receive Valpak.com® exclusive offers by providing your e-mail address.)

notice on the form where it says: (Your e-mail address will only be used to confirm your request. You are not registering to receive Valpak.com® exclusive offers by providing your e-mail address.)
yeah, they wont send you valpak no more, but they will send you other crap. that's the catch. sure they will stop sending you this useless mail, but now that they know there is a human being related to your address and email, they will TARGET you with other junk mail and its just going to get worst and worst. so dont fill out the form. you are better off.
NO WAY MAN! they are asking you to provide your address and email. dont do it, if you think you are getting enough junk mail, after you provide them with your address and email, they will "TARGET" you, and their company name says. they will stop sending you valpak, but heres the catch. they will start sending you even more junk mail to your address because now they know that there is a person on that address and they can sell that information. they will sell your information to advertisers. thats how they make their money,
so next time you get this stupid envelopes, just throw them away, becuase if you fill out their form, its just going to make things worst