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- Why Do White Men Like Asian Girls So Much? Inter-racial Chinese Japanese
This Page Contains information about Why Do White Men Like Asian Girls So Much? Inter-racial Chinese Japanese By braker in category Blogs with 57 Replies. [1602], Last Updated: Sat May 18, 2024
Sun Sep 17, 2006
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Why do asian women prefer white man?
Why do white men preffer asian women?

I recently made a trip to the City of San Francisco. I was amazed of how many couples where inter-racial - white guys with asias girls all over the place. Even my friend had a filipino girl friend.
I asked him why do white dudes like asian chicks so much. His reply was that they are very obidient. What?? I asked. What do you mean?, then he replied by saying: yeah, they respect you very much and do everything you tell them to, but white chicks thing they're about equality. Don't get me wrong, i respect Julieta (his girl), but she does everything i tell her, she trusts me, and respects me, looks up to me. Once Julieta told me that all her girlfriends look for a white guy to go out with because in their country most of the white people there are rich and your family respects you more when you marry a white man."
I told him that was crazy. He asked me to prove him wrong. So we went clubing... There were alot of asian chicks at the club. every asian chick i asked to dance with said yes. but not all white chicks said yes - stuck ups!!!
The weird thing is that asian dude have it harder because white chick dont go out with asian dude as much as asian chicks with white dudes. its rare that i see a white chick going out with an asian guy, worst, never seen an asian dude go out with a latina chick. Those litina chicks like their man to rough, I don't know any asian dude that as tuff as those latino dudes. Those latin guys are crazy!
So if you are ever in the San Francisco Bay Area, you'll see for yourself that I am not wrong. If you are a white dude, you won't have any problems going out with an asian chick.
Are the asian chick worst than the white chick because they are more shallow? hmmm
Do you think the white race is superior than others?
im starting to believe that deep inside, whats going on is that asian females have been brain washed into thinking that because white males are taller, therefore, are superior than asian guys. which furthers my theory that of evolution. some how asian girls think that white males have evolved into a more sophisticated specimen and its their instinct to believe that Caucasian are far intellectually superior than other races. but the truth is that its all about culture. some have suggested that asian guys are not as caring for their wives because of their culture. black african man are bush man and hispanics are lazy? im just very sad by all the beautiful asian girl, i wish they would be more open minded and look beyond the white color.
some of my friends are asian girls, and they prefer white males to marry because their parents have been pressured to keep a certain status. some asian girls have said here that asian guys are influenced by their parents, so are asian women, but you are just to weak to realize how manipulated you are by your parents and how shallow you mind is to think that just because a person with white skin is much superior than others. i feel sorry for you. my mother is chinese and my father is british. i married a japanese girl who i love very dearly. she is the love of my life and i would do anything for her. asian men are just as good as white men, the new generation of asian man is different now and we love our asian women.