Why White Girls Date With Latin Guys Rather Than White Guys
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- Why White Girls Date With Latin Guys Rather Than White Guys
whats up with that all these hispanic guys wanting to date white girls please tell me why [8317], Last Updated: Sat May 18, 2024
Sun Dec 28, 2008
28405 Visits
whats up with that. why are all these latin guys all of the sudden are dating only white girls. i mean, its crazy. im a blond in my 20s and all of the sudden these latin guys are hitting on me. i never expirieced this before. but i like it. i never gotten so much attention. its strange tho, i never imagined myself with a lating guy or a black guy, but oh well, i met this cute puertorican guy and he was so handsome and build. he had the cutes smiles. well, anywyaz, i was just wondering if anyone else has expirience all these latin men after white caucasian women