cody is my favorite singer so i have him on my phone as my background. it looks so nice.

when i was at school my friend told me that she loves all his songs, but i was like, really, no way.

so finally i found this picture i like of coddy because he looks so cute.

anywayz, you can share this wallpaper at school if you want to because all the girls love his music. specially his fans. i am a huge fan. i wish i can call Cody Simpson's cell phone number to tell him how much i like his songs.

my little sister was asking me to call coddy and ask him to come to her birthday, but how am i going to do that if he doesnt live in america, so the best option is to go see him in a concert, but i have to buy the concert tickets. so for now i can only put him on my phone to remind him of his music. hehehe

so here is a wallpaper for your iphone or your android phone: