By: Marilyn (Apr 17, 2012)
Does anyone know what the significance of 6238 is? Or can you explain how to read this?
By: Linda (Dec 14, 2011)
what does that mean?
who are the 144,000?
they are virgin men?
will I go to heaven?
am I trying for nothing?
By: edwin (Jan 09, 2010)
these are the last words in the bible
Revelation 22:21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
By: edwin (Jan 09, 2010)
This are the first words in the bible
By: J Owsley (Oct 01, 2009)
Since 1996 seeking HELP with this depression I found a Dr that over 10 years prescribed over 19 different medications, which destroyed my LIFE, no improvement, just terrible side effects. I attemped suicide 3 times, after the last attempt She issued a medical warrant on me and was on 72 hour hold
in a physic ward. After leaving I choose to never take medication, even tho she still prescribed. I was all alone, and began reading the BIBLE and found the ANSWER, Anxiety in the heart of a man causes depression! On all medication for depression
it says the cause for depression is UNKNOW???
Well I prayed and FOUND the TRUTH in the BIBLE, so I needed to rid myself of Anxiety
which is fear, then I will not have Depression. I FOUND another SCRIPTURE that says GOD did not give us the Spirit of fear
but of LOVE, PEACE and sound mind. So The Spirit of fear is satan!!!
I had to see my DR on a weekly basis for 6 months because of the last suicide attempt,
not taking the medication and She said you are doing so GOOD, we have the right combo of
medication NOW???
Aftet about 6 months I revealed to her with bags of pills i did not take and said..NO you did not for I have not taken them for 6 months, I FOUND the TRUTH a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING of GOD's WORD, and I read her the verse Anxiety in the heart of a man CAUSES
depression. Now I am Happy with GOD's LOVE
for FREEING me from the Bondage of Depression.
By: Dwayne Meritt (Jul 09, 2009)
Who is this Man that found him wandering?
By: maria (Jul 03, 2009)
i am jewish.i was in the service. i saw death.up close and personal.too much if u ask me.but something our soldiers do badazzled me.they yell - "shma israel".like - listen god of israel.and they do it just before they through themselves on a granade(4 example).it's amazing.i believe they are in a better place.and i think that that phrase "i will fear no evil" is about heroes.u step into the valley of death and u have GOD with u.and in the end nothing matters more then having HIM on your side when u go into is is all you need 2 go through.if u can love others.the valley is nothing compared to matter what:)
By: mario's\' (Jan 16, 2009)
how many day'\s do you have?
By: mary (Oct 21, 2008)
thank you Gabriel for doing a job that many won't do. Thank you for protecting this proud country. Thank for protecting my safety and the safety of my fellow Americans. You are a hero.
By: Ryan (Aug 13, 2008)
pray for me.
My soul has been tarnished by lies.. I seek the path of the Lord.